the front bumper of a white car with the paint peeling off

End of Lease Bodywork Repairs

Saving you from unnecessary penalties

Are you nearing the end of your car lease and worried about potential penalties for minor dents and scratches? Look no further than Automotive Body Repairs to help you breeze through the end-of-lease process without a hitch.





a dent on the bonnet of a silver car

Be Smart about your repairs

Serving Berkshire, Surrey, and Hampshire, we specialise in mobile car scratch repairs using the SMART repair system (Small to Medium Area Repair Technology). This innovative approach allows us to target specific areas of damage without the need to remove and respray the entire panel, ensuring a cost-effective and efficient solution.


the body of a white car with a scratched area with the paint removed

18 years of experience in the trade

Our skilled technicians are experts at repairing scuffs, scratches, and minor accident damage, restoring your vehicle's bodywork and bumpers to pristine condition. Whether it's a door ding, a bumper scrape, or any other blemish, we have the knowledge and tools to make it disappear.






Prepare for Stress-Free End-of-Lease Inspections

End-of-lease inspections can be stressful, but with our help, you can rest easy. By addressing any minor dents or scratches before the inspection, we help you avoid costly penalties and ensure a smooth transition at the end of your lease.

the side of a silver car with a dent and scratch going across the rear door to the driver door